
As important as visuals in any presentation, good copy can make or break a sale. Good copy tells a story in a few choice words. Think of it this way: A picture tells 1,000 words–in most instances, good copy paints a picture in less than 5.

Francine LaSala‘s been dreaming up and whipping off KCC copy for more than 20 years. How can she help you?:

* Is your book blurb a burden to write (and read)?

* Has someone expressed interest in your work, and is now seeking a summary or synopsis (yes–they are different)?

* Does your project need a snappy tagline?

* Do you need an attention-grabbing headline?

* Do you have a website or blog calling out for content?

* Is your Internet copy successfully embedded with strong SEO? (Do you even know what SEO is?)

* Does  your product description really describe your product–and in an interesting way? I can help you. Heck, I’ve even written copy for this thing:


If you have copy needs, large or small, I can help you. Contact Francine LaSala today:

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